Future Fragments

Future Fragments

Future Fragments is a series of digitally fabricated sculptures designed using 3D scans of artifacts captured from museums around the world. The scans were digitally sliced and rearranged, building the future from fragments of the past. These sculptures imagine how our history will be rediscovered and interpreted in a distant future, provoking questions about digital archeology and historic preservation.

The sculptures were created using direct-to-part CNC machining, proposing the machine as an apprentice, by creating imperfect facimilies of perfect classical objects. The works are created using synthetic versions of traditional materials revealing vulnerability as the link between consiousness and art. The titles reference the museum inventory numbers, indicating the original sculptures are themselves copies. This series of physical objects is preceded by an experience in virtual reality

Lutteurs Medici [Louvre Gy 0130] (2023)
Polymerized alpha gypsum, fiberglass, bronze powder, pigments, EPS foam, steel
40" x 36" x 32"
Charity [MET 65.110] (2023)
Polymerized alpha gypsum, fiberglass,urethane, silver nitrate, pigments, steel , magnet
33" x 16" x 10"
Armed Aphrodite [Archaeological Museum Athens 262] (2023)
Polymerized alpha gypsum, fiberglass, EPS foam, steel
17" x 33" x 10"
Compagne de Diane [Louvre RF 2702] (2023)
UV resin, ABS plastic, epoxy, iron paint, rust, urethane, silver nitrate, pigments, steel
15" x 8" x8"
Bust of a man [MET 12.233] (2022)
Polymerized alpha gypsum, fiberglass, urethane, silver nitrate, pigments, steel, magnet
15" x 12" x70"
Portrait of a man [MET 09.221.5] (2023)
Polymerized alpha gypsum, fiberglass, bronze powder, patina, lacquer, steel, magnet
13" x 10" x8"
Tête [Louvre 2340] (2021)
Polymerized alpha gypsum, fiberglass, iron powder, rust, steel, XPS foam, epoxy
8" x 7" x13"
Fragment tête [Louvre MR 562] (2021)
Polymerized alpha gypsum, fiberglass, bronze powder, XPS foam, steel
9" x 9" x13"
Female head [Archaeological Museum Athens 3602 ] (2021)
Polymerized alpha gypsum, fiberglass, marble powder, XPS foam, steel, epoxy
9" x 9" x 17.5"
Statue [Louvre MNC 977] (2021)
Polymerized alpha gypsum, fiberglass, bronze powder, XPS foam, steel
9" x 5" x13"
Torse [Louvre MNB 691] (2023)
UV resin, bronze paint, patina, epoxy, steel
12" x 6" x 4"